Tag Archives: heart



Sometimes there are offered to us gifts of words which truly touch the heart.


I have been blessed in my priestly life to meet many men and women who both live our their primary baptismal vocation within the vocation of holy marriage and parenthood and within that truly use the talents given them, especially as witnesses to Christ through marriage and family life and through art.

Not only do I know, and yes admire and learn from these many years, James and Ellen and their sons, but with the two books recommended here was graced to read them in manuscript form and be further blessed.

Rather than do a detailed review here I will simply post the link to Full Quiver Publishing and say that the first novel, “Emily’s Hope” will heart-touch and inspire and the second, “In Name Only” will open a wonderful door to encouragement and trust.




Living Flame


Do not grudge burning a wax tape before the image of the Lord during prayer; remember that you burn it before Light inaccessible, before Him who enlightens you with His Light. Your candle is as though a burn offering to the Lord. Let it be a gift to God from your whole heart. Let it remind you that you yourself should also be a burning and shining light. ~~~St. John of Kronstadt