

……the Lord’s eyes are upon the reverent, upon those who hope for His gracious help……[Ps.33:18]

We adore You O Christ and we praise You – because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.O Jesus my Lord and my God – grant me to enter into Your pain and trustful surrender to the Holy Will of our Father.

Thank-You Jesus for placing upon Your shoulders this first priestly stole and taking upon Yourself the weight of every stole across the ages and once thus vested taking the first steps up to the altar of Calvary, grant I place my own footsteps always in Your, grant I embrace the cross every time I reverently place the stole upon my shoulders.

O Jesus my Lord and my God – grant me to enter into Your pain and trustful surrender to the Holy Will of our Father.

O Jesus the cross is that of _______________________and I confess my fear of pain and suffering, my struggle under what seems too heavy a cross to bear. Often times it is the weight of my sins, my wounds, the weakness of my lack of trust, which causes me to flee the cross.

O Jesus my Lord and my God – grant me to enter into Your pain and trustful surrender to the Holy Will of our Father.

It is true O Jesus that the spittle of _______________hit Your Holy Face first, that the slap of _____________wounded You first and the scourging of ___________________tore Your Sacred Body first and the real weight of the cross You invite me to carry in Your footsteps presses upon You first – so I beg of You Jesus for myself and all priests to always remember with gratitude this truth and grant us courage to take up our cross, which is Your Cross, in confident hope and to follow You.

O Jesus my Lord and my God – grant me to enter into Your pain and trustful surrender to the Holy Will of our Father.

O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Priests, grant to me and all my brother priests true humility.

…..hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit…..[Rm. 5:5]